Read MappingΒΆ

In this part of the tutorial we will look at the assemblies by mapping the reads to the assembled contigs. Different tools exists for mapping reads to genomic sequences such as bowtie or bwa. Today, we will use the tool BBMap.

BBMap: Short read aligner for DNA and RNA-seq data. Capable of handling arbitrarily large genomes with millions of scaffolds. Handles Illumina, PacBio, 454, and other reads; very high sensitivity and tolerant of errors and numerous large indels. Very fast. See the BBMap home page for more info.

bbmap needs to build an index for the contigs sequences before it can map the reads onto them. Here is an example command line for mapping the reads back to the MEGAHIT assembly:

cd /vol/spool/tutorial-data/megahit_out
~/bbmap/ ref=final.contigs.fa

Now that we have an index, we can map the reads:

~/bbmap/ in=../read1.fq in2=../read2.fq out=megahit.sam

bbmap produces output in SAM format by default, usually you want to convert this into a sorted BAM file. bbmap creates a shell script which can be used to convert bbmap‘s output into BAM format:


SAM and BAM files can be viewed and manipulated with SAMtools. Let’s first build an index for the FASTA file:

samtools faidx final.contigs.fa

To look at the BAM file use:

samtools view megahit_sorted.bam | less

We will use a genome browser to look at the mappings. For this, you have to (1) open a terminal window on your local workstation, (2) download the BAM file and (3) download and start IGV: Integrative Genomics Viewer:

cd ~/mg-tutorial
scp -i bibigrid/MGAssemblyTutorial.pem ubuntu@* .
scp -i bibigrid/MGAssemblyTutorial.pem ubuntu@*.bam* .
scp -i bibigrid/MGAssemblyTutorial.pem ubuntu@*.gff .

Now let’s look at the mapped reads:

  1. Load the contig sequences into IGV. Use the menu Genomes->Load Genome from File...
  2. Load the BAM file into IGV. Use menu File->Load from File...
  3. Load the predicted genes as another track. Use menu File->Load from File... to load the GFF file.